Where aesthetics meets a human approach
Paul Schneider, founder of Schneider.Studio, is a designer and creative entrepreneur. Over the last 5 years, he has helped startups grow their business, launched significant, award-winning projects within corporations, and worked independently with companies based in major cities around the world, including New York, Miami, Berlin, Moscow, and others.
At Schneider.Studio, we have defined a contemporary approach as both strategic planning and problem-solving through design. Our small team of talented collaborators works together to provoke new experiences and launch ethical products.
Our latest focus lies in startups, hi-tech products, and culture. Currently, Schneider.Studio is based in Yerevan, Armenia.
Paul Schneider, founder of Schneider.Studio, is a designer and creative entrepreneur. Over the last 5 years, he has helped startups grow their business, launched significant, award-winning projects within corporations, and worked independently with companies based in major cities around the world, including New York, Miami, Berlin, Moscow, and others.
At Schneider.Studio, we have defined a contemporary approach as both strategic planning and problem-solving through design. Our small team of talented collaborators works together to provoke new experiences and launch ethical products.
Our latest focus lies in startups, hi-tech products, and culture. Currently, Schneider.Studio is based in Yerevan, Armenia.
Photo by Nastya Klimenkova